Task 6 - Extracting data from ETS clocks to produce results

This setup is probably familiar to most secretaries. Data can be extracted from Unikon, Bricon, iPigeon, and Benzing. As soon as we can extract data from Tauris and other ETS manufactures we will add the training clips. For Tauris, Mega and T3 clocks use the manual option to enter the fanciers data. 

The hardware setup is configured exactly the same as if you are doing ring assignments. 

Extracting Unikon Race Data

1. When you arrive at the club strike off the race and then extract the data from the clock. You can print a clock and then extract the data. You can print all the clocks and then extract the data from all clocks. Either system works. Make sure you have a system so you don’t miss a clock. If you think you haven’t extracted data from a fanciers clock extract it again. When extracting the data don’t pull the clock out too soon. If you do birds will be missing from the result! The secret is to leave your clock in until its finished both on the screen and the clock. 

Observe the following training video clip - Extracting Unikon Clock Data

Extracting Bricon Race Data

To extract Bricon clock data you will need to install the Bricon Club Editor software and attach the Bricon base to your PC as in the photograph at the top of the page. 

1. Printout your hard copy of the race data as normal.

2. Open the Bricon Club Editor software on your PC with the Clubmaster attached to the PC

3. Press the read data icon next to the right of the printer icon. Put your Bricon clock into the club master and it will read the data from the clock automatically.

4. When the Bricon Software asks for a distance simply put 1 in each time. The distance at this stage is not required. All distances are in the RPRA Results software. 

5. Once you have read all the Bricon Clocks you can close the Bricon Editor Software. All the data for the race is stored on your computer ready to be processed.

6. Open up the RPRA Results Software. 

Observe the following training clip to process the Bricon clock data

7. Click on Bricon and go through the procedure shown in the video clip above and produce your result.


Please observe the following training video for the iPigeon clock

1. Print out your race data as normal

2. Open the ipigeon software and extract the data. The file is stored on your computer.

3. Open the RPRA Race Results software

4. Click on iPigeon select the data file you want to read. Press read file. Check you are happy with the data i.e. it’s the correct race. Check the identity of the batch file and then press save. 

5. Proceed to Calculate Results and process the iPgeon batch file. Result completed.


You can now produce a result using the manual option and import data from Unikon, Bricon, iPigeon and Benzing clocks. You can see why data ends up in batches to be processed.