You can add a new member very easily by using a person’s RPRA number. Click on Member setup, select add members from RPRA database. PLace their RPRA number into the box and press get details. You can check their details and then add them to your club. Their club competing number will be geneated for you. You can change their section if you need to do so in the drop down list and then press update details. 

Observe the video clip showing how to add and delete members. 

If the details given by a new member does not match what is stored into the RPRA database please contact the RPRA so that a member’s contact details can be updated. 

To delete members select the member and press remove member from the database. 

Upload your updates to the RPRA Cloud. 

When you have deleted your members and added new members. Please update your details in the cloud. Select upload to the cloud tick member details and press upload. Also backup your local database as an extra precaution. 

You can update details as many times as you need to the cloud the latest upload will be the one stored. Previous versions are overwritten. 

Backup your local database. 

This is good practise to back your database local. Click on Backup on the menu and select backup.