Once you have created your result press the Publish to Web button. 

You need an Internet connection to use this facility it can be done by tethering a mobile phone to your laptop at the club, using the pub’s wifi or waiting until you get home and then publishing to the web.

To view results on PigeonTube click the link from the front of the software.  CLICK HERE PIGEONTUBE


Using the dropdown menu, select your organisation and observe the club’s results. If you have to amend a result just publish to the web again and the previous result will be overwritten and the result updated. 

Send the link to your members in an email. Copy and paste the following Url http://wm28vps.co.uk/RaceResults

Members can save the site in their favorites. Each week they can access the results from the web. Please note members can still print out a hard copy at the club in the normal way. 


Members can have their own login details to the Results Website. They can observe the performances of their birds. Members can export all their results for all clubs into Excel for further loft analysis. Once your club starts uploading results to PigeonTube members will be sent their username and password to access the results site.