Your local club and federation are flying a long-distance event with a National or Classic Club. You will need to produce a club result to upload to the federation. You are also the National Clock Station Secretary. TPRS makes your work very easy.
Firstly, login to your National Clock Station account. You may have a room full of clocks to process and produce a clock station result. Fanciers from your area and beyond can discuss the race and you can produce a result for them. You can publish the result and the National Secretary has all your result.
You will have gathered the data in a series of batch files for the race. Log out of your National Clock Station account and login to your local club account. Select the club/fed duplication race and using the same batch files press calculate results. The program identifies members which are not in your club and produces a result for your local club. You can print result out and publish to the cloud, so your federation secretary has the result.
Observe the following video club to see the process in action. INSERT VIDEO CLIP
You can do the process in reverse. You may have your local result to do first. Complete that task and then login to the National Clock Station account and start by using the data to process the clock station result. Add the National Members data afterwards.
A list of fanciers attending your clock station is available in TPRS. Please watch video tutorials on the National Clock Station page.