Task 8 - Producing a federation result

The federation secretary has a seperate account for the federation with username and password. The fedration secretary controls the federation using this account. This is to ensure all clubs process the same results and it make life much easier for the club secretary. 

1. The federation race secretary designs the organisations race programme, including Hours of Darkness two, three four day events etc All forms including e.g. Captain Cutcliff’s (RPRA) HOD. 

2. The federation secretary uploads the race program to the organisations cloud. (Select transfer to the cloud, select the race event, select This PC and tick the box Race Events - press accept. The race is now in the organisations cloud. 

3. The federation secretary amends the race once the birds have been liberated adding the correct liberation time and then uploads the race event to the cloud. (Repeats the process above)


4. Club secretaries synchronise their races before going to the club so that the correct liberation time is added. (Some clubs tether their mobile phone to their laptop to send and recieve data, Wifi is available at some locations. Most do this at home. The program does not need Internet connection to produce a result. 

Observe club secretary synchronising federation race event

5. Clubs produce their results and upload to the cloud.


Observe the training video - Federation Secretary Pre Race setup

6. The federation secretary simply downloads the club results from the web with one click and all the federation result is produced. The federation secretary can post this result to the web same as a club secretary send their results to the web.

Observe how the federation result is compiled

7. The federation secretary can process prizes and pools and then post the final result to the web. This simply overwrites the previous result. 

8. The federation secretary can use the Manage Events Batches to protect the races during the season. Change the status of the race from provisional to final. Please note a result can be opened by a federation secretary in the event of a dispute on a race and closed again. The feature is designed to protect races, you can’t process an old race.

9. All clubs can have their own independent pools and prizes. 

Combine Results

A combine secretary would complete exactly the same process as above to produce a combine result. The federations would produce their results and the combine secretary would download all fed results. Post the full result and then add further prizes and pools if necessary. 

Please note

All races are stored in the RPRA cloud should your laptop get broken during the season you can reinstall the RPRA Results software synchronise your database and downlaod all races again. You haven’t lost any vital club data.